Currently , in Indonesia there are 4.5 million ( 1.8 % of the total population of Indonesia ) street children . They have a hobby , talent , and motivation to create a better life . However , there are less chance and opportunity to fulfill their hobbies and talents which is live on the street is their main activity at this time . There is only one way to explore the talent and motivation of street children is through football .
Football is a global sport , it is for everyone , can be played anywhere, and by anyone, including street children . Through the Street Child World Cup ( SCWC ) which will be held on March 27, 2014 in Rio de Jainero , Brazil , street children have the opportunity to go international and compete with street children from different parts of the world .
Indonesia , through the Foundation Transmuda Nusantara Energy ( TEN ) have the opportunity to participate in the 2014 SCWC implementing a program called " Garuda Baru " . TEN is the foundation engaged in grass-roots level to improve the quality of life of street children .
To make the process of recruiting new National Team Garuda , the Foundation TEN selection process that took place in 7 cities in Indonesia including Medan and Makassar ( January 11 ) , Surabaya and Palembang ( January 18 ) , Yogyakarta and Bandung ( January 25 ) , and Jakarta ( 1 February) . National selection was held in Jakarta ( February 16 to March 23 ) .
Foundation in the implementation of TEN Garuda Baru is holding Brazilian Soccer School, Pertamina Soccer School , and the Jakarta Football Academy as a judge in local and national selection .
TEN Foundation Chairman , Mahir Bayasut on the sidelines of the selection process , said the program is one of the opportunity for street children to explore their talents and hobbies , " We hope to spread the spirit of the youth of Indonesia issued a creative idea . There will be a chance for Street children without having to seek opportunities to work and living on the streets , " he said .
Representatives of the Foundation BAHTERA Tamami Zain also welcomed the SCWC . " This program is a major breakthrough for the street children appreciate . Hopefully an ongoing program , " he said .
Erwan Priyambudi , TEN Foundation board said , " The criteria for this program are Those aged 13-16 years . Another requirement is not currently enrolled in a formal school or dropout status . Then , already or have had a life as children living and working on the streets for at least 6 months . The next requirement is to get recommendations or approval of the institution and parent / guardian , " he said .
To qualify for Brazil , they must follow the two tests , namely the technical soccer ability . This test will start with a test prefixed football techniques . Foot speed tests include several movements such as Pele Sprint that is by stepping over the ball with the right foot to the left foot as fast as possible , then Robinho movement by way of rotating the right leg and left turns from the inside out without touching the ball , as well as the Inside to inside the how to wear leg and turns the inside of the right foot to the left foot . Then , proceed with the tests passing and juggling .
After undergoing tests technical soccer ability , they entered Game Play sessions . In this session, street children divided into groups consisting of 7 persons / group / team . The goal of the participant 's ability to play with the team compiled its techniques .
According to representatives of the Brazilian Soccer School , Aiken Setiawan , from the local selection it already knows the ability of children who participate in the selection . " In the previous selection process , physical strength points that should be improved , but at the time of the game play session , they can show a pretty good game , so in training camp we'll hone a few things that should be improved , " he said .
At the national selection , all selected participants will undergo psychological tests covered by several factors that are required, among other things , calm and compose ( patience and calmness ) , hardworking ( spirit ) , confidence ( confident) , leadership & teamwork ( leadership and cooperation ) , and sportsmanship ( sportsmanship ) .
Representatives of Pertamina Soccer School , Ade Mulyadi very excited to join the selection process of the implementation of the New National Team Garuda . According to him , this program is one of the solutions to find new talents from sources that are rarely touched in Indonesia . " I hope this SCWC program can give spirit and motivation of street children to further hone talents , " he said .
To succeed in this Garuda Baru program , TEN Foundation in collaboration with Shelter Home and Learning Diponegoro ( Yogyakarta ) , Studio Reeds and Social Soccer School Surabaya ( Surabaya ) , Institute of Public Welfare Services Indonesia ( Medan ) , BAHTERA Foundation ( London ) , Foundation Friends of Children ( New York) , Yayasan Bina Mandiri Children of Indonesia ( Makassar ) , and the Cultural Arts Foundation cottage ( Palembang ) .
Garuda Baru selection process has been conducted in four major cities in Indonesia, Medan and Makassar ( January 11 ) and Surabaya and Palembang ( January 18 ) . Doddy Matondang and Tommy Pratomo as a Selection Coordinator, claimed to have found 25 talents in the field and 23 talented candidates for National Player of Garuda 's New in Makassar . From Surabaya more than 70 participants and from Palembang were 23 participants a chance to fill Garuda Baru National Team squad .
Of selection in 7 cities in Indonesia will be selected 30 candidates who attend the selection process of players of national team in Jakarta , the selection process is run for approximately 30 days to find ( 10 / 1 Team ) as GARUDA BARU team that will go to the Street Child World Cup 2014 , Rio de Janeiro , Brazil .