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BSS Community League is under way!

It’s finally underway. A fun soccer league that runs every week between BSS staff, BSS coach and BSS parents. 5 teams have been assembled that must consist of staff, coach and parents. Teams are randomly mixed each month where skill and team chemistry is up for the test in a fun and competitive manner.

The objective of this league is for BSS parents to know their children's coaches and meet the BSS staff behind our institute and expand their networking by meeting other BSS parents. We are also inviting BSS alumni to join the league so if you were in a BSS class in your youth you are more than welcome to play along and join the league.

Felt like you missed out on the info? Don’t worry, BSS Community League opens its registration monthly. February roster is still open, BSS prioritizes its parents first then the rest can fill in the spots that are left. BSS offers not only soccer activities for its children but also parent activities. BSS Community League is a very good example of this. So what are you waiting for? If your children are training with BSS, so should you in BSS Community League.


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BSS Indonesia

We are proudly promote learn to play the Brazilian way here with BSS Indonesia. Skills are limitless, method is exclusive, and it is time to learn their secret. 


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